Bangladesh - Is it worth visiting?

Asia Apr 26, 2021
Population: 163 million million (2019)
Capital: Dhaka
Languages: Bengali (Bangla)
Unit of currency: Taka (TK)
Cost index: cup of tea TK5

Having an unexpected environmental and geographical profile as Bangladesh has, makes it to deserve leaving the stereotypes far behind and to be welcomed by the wider world as the trendsetting, breathtaking and hard-working country it really is.

Bangladesh wonders

The environmental enlightenment and 2000m peaks is what makes Bangladesh proud. But there is more. The green, pleasant, full of water shores can provide more activities than anywhere else in this world. You can even go hunting the most dangerous honey in the world. Or you can go fishing with a family of fluffy otters. If you are not convinced yet, think about the possibility of watching whales out at sea or counting dolphins a 100 miles from the sea float your boat.

Also in Bangladesh you can attend the world's second-largest Muslim gathering or visit Buddhist, Hindu, Musli temples or walk through tribal villages in the mountains where your very presence is likely to be something of a revelation.

Don't miss out the spooky world of the Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove forest and one of the most dangerous place on the planet, home of tigers which actually kills a man every 3rd day!

Photo by Javier Virues-Ortega / Unsplash
Festivals and events
  • at Biswa Ijtema, the second biggest Muslim gathering after the hajj, you can join around 2 million people on the outskirts of Dhaka for 2 days of prayer, discussion and recitation
  • Honey Hunting Festival that takes place in Buri Goalini starts with the opening of the honey gathering seasons and religious blessings asks for protection  from tiger attacks and a mad boat races into the swamps of the Sundarbans in search of liquid gold
  • Pohela Boisakh, the new year anniversary in Bangladesh is all about costumes, parades and lots of noise, especially in Dhaka and Rangamati
Image by Maruf Rahman from Pixabay
What memorable experiences can you run into
  • watch the tree-tops for the rare sight of a hoolock gibbon
  • discover the secret of 5 flavoured tea, a real miracle of science
  • cruise in the back of a rickshaw to admire the green glow emanating from million of rice paddies
  • find out how Bangladesh managed to ban plastic bags and replaces them with environmentally kosher bags
buff-cheeked gibbon
Photo by Ramon Vloon / Unsplash
Interesting facts
  • Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world
  • One of the world's longest natural unbroken beaches, which stretches south of Cox's Bazar for almost 120km is located in Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh has one of the first nations that embraced the idea of micro credit
  • The highest concentration of tigers you can find here in Sundarbans
The most odd thing you will notice in Bangladesh

You will never forget how is to spend an hour or even more in a snaking, snarling rush-hour traffic jam made only by hundreds and hundreds of bicycle rickshaws that constantly bell-clang.

Dhaka is one of the most populated cities in the world. This is a very common picture of Dhaka every day.
Photo by Niloy Biswas / Unsplash


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